Attend an Upcoming Workshop
Registering for a workshop is easy!
A full schedule of our upcoming seminars is provided below.
Please scroll down to select the workshop you would like to attend.
-Click “Click Here to Register”
-Click on the “Register” box
-Provide the requested information
-Click “Submit”
-Check your email for a confirmation of your registration
At our workshops, you will learn:
- How to protect assets from nursing home costs, and how you may be able to save more than you expect, even if your loved one is already in a nursing home.
- One of the most important legal documents you need, and the three things it should contain.
- How to help ensure your estate provides an inheritance for your heirs, and supports your nursing home bound spouse.
- How to qualify for little – known Veterans benefits to help you stay at home.
- Which Trust is ideal for 2nd marriages and blended families.
- What is ELDER LAW, anyway?
Discover the exclusive Asset Protection Trust, which contains all of the advantages of a traditional Revocable Living Trust, saving probate fees etc., but also includes asset protection features that will protect you during your lifetime, without risk. If you are over 55 years of age, or have parents who are seniors, regardless of their net worth, you should learn about this trust.
There is no fee to attend a workshop, but they are extremely popular and will fill up quickly so we encourage you to make your reservation now.
If you have any questions, please call us at 434-293-7788 or 866-284-4529.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Virtual Estate Planning & Asset Protection Workshop
Northside Library Estate Planning & Asset Protection Workshop
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Virtual Estate Planning & Asset Protection Workshop